Trauma Association of South Carolina

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Stop the Bleed

Launched in October of 2015 by the White House, Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and a call to action. Stop the Bleed is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.

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1. Apply Pressure with the Hands
Expose to find where the bleeding is coming from and apply firm steady pressure to the bleeding site with both hands it possible.

2. Apply Dressing and Press
Expose to find where the bleeding is coming from and apply firm steady pressure to the bleeding site with bandages or clothing.

3. Apply Tourniquet(s)
If the bleeding does not stop place a tourniquet 2-3 inches closer to the torso from the bleeding. The tourniquet may be applied it secured over clothing.


Pediatric Trauma Centers in South Carolina

As of 2018, there are four pediatric verified and/or designated pediatric trauma centers in the State of South Carolina with the mutual goal to meet the specialized need of the pediatric trauma patient throughout the state no matter the level of care.

Children are not just little adults and require specialized medical care for optimum outcomes due to different anatomy and physiology, requiring separate pediatric subspecialties for trauma care. Our task is to address children’s specialized health care needs and promote recognition of the same throughout the state of South Carolina. In order to accomplish this TASC formed the Pediatric subcommittee in February 2017. The committee is made up of trauma program staff from multiple pediatric and adult trauma centers across South Carolina.

TRAUMA CENTER A – Trauma Program Manager

TRAUMA CENTER B – Trauma Program Manager

TRAUMA CENTER C – Trauma Program Manager

TRAUMA CENTER D – Trauma Program Manager



March 1, 2019 Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center Columbia, SC


Bleeding control kits in every school will save lives

Amy Hamrick walked her 5-year-old daughter and 8-year-old son to school on Jacob Hall Superhero Day on Oct. 5, 2016. She struggled to explain to them the tragic reason why they were wearing Superwoman and Superman costumes weeks before Halloween.

“I didn’t want them to be afraid on the playground, so I told them a modified version of why they had on superhero clothes,” said Hamrick, APRN, who is the trauma program manager at Spartanburg Medical Center.

What started as an awkward conversation after a tragedy resulted in a statewide effort to put special medical kits in schools designed to stop children from bleeding to death.

Jacob Hall was 6 years old on Sept. 28, 2016, when he was shot in the leg. He was being ushered off the playground at Townville (SC) Elementary School when a teenage gunman began shooting. The wound put Jacob in a coma for several days before he passed away. The boy loved superheroes, and his family asked people to wear costumes to his funeral. School kids across the Upstate — and people around the country — also wore costumes to school in his honor.

“We walked a mile to school and back, and on the way back, I was sobbing,” Hamrick said. “I thought, ‘How can I help? How can I keep this from happening to my children, anyone’s children? What can I do to prevent children from dying preventable deaths?’”

By the time she returned home, Hamrick knew the answer: “I can’t fix gun control. I cannot fix safety in schools, but I can equip school leaders, faculty, and resource officers with the equipment and skill to stop hemorrhage prior to definitive care.”

Hamrick began the grant writing process to equip all public schools in South Carolina with bleeding control kits and the education on how to use them.


An idea grows

Her idea expanded to include hospitals and schools across South Carolina and the state Department of Health and Environmental Control Advisory Council – Health Care Preparedness helped. In 2017, the Upstate Healthcare Coalition presented a project to provide stop the bleed kits to all regional schools in the Upstate, as part of the Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) grant funding, through the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and the Centers for Disease Control.

“We took this proposal to the State Health Care Coalition Advisory Council, and it was well received by the  other three regions in the state,” said Jeff Straub, CHEP, system safety and emergency manager for Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System.

Straub is also chairman of both the Upstate Healthcare Coalition and the South Carolina Healthcare Preparedness Consortium Advisory Council.

“As the landscape of our country changes and risk within it changes, we have to change with it,” Straub said. “We are seeing a large increase in school shootings and events that will precipitate need of the blood stop kits.”

Spartanburg Medical Center, Palmetto Health Richland, Grand Strand Regional Medical Center, and the Medical University of South Carolina received $1.2 million in funds to put bleeding control, or “B-Con,” kits in every school across the state. The funding is also being used to educate school nurses, teachers and staff about what to do if someone has a wound that is bleeding dangerously.

The kits have a belt-like tourniquet, trauma sheers, and gauze with kaolin, a clay that helps wounds alot faster.


How B-Cons are used

A child or adult could die from bleeding as quickly as five minutes, and the average response time for EMS across the county is eight and a half minutes. A trained adult can quickly apply the tourniquet two inches above the wound, if it’s on an arm or leg, and pull it tight until the bleeding stops. These can stay on until EMS arrives.

If the wound is in a junction, like the armpit or groin someone can pack the wound and put gauze in it, holding pressure until help is there.

An estimated one in five people who died from traumatic injuries could have survived with help from a B-Con kit, according to


Want to Learn?

Members of TASC have trained thousands of individuals on how to stop the Bleed. Our goal is to educate anyone willing to learn. The only thing more tragic than a death… is a death that could have been prevented. If you would like to learn how to Stop the Bleed contact your nearest trauma center representative below:


Stop the Bleed Contact

Anmed Health : Elana Roach 

Carolinas Hospital System: Lori McEwan

Carolina Pines Regional Medical Center: Candace Outlaw

Conway Medical Center: Susan Larrimore

East Cooper Medical Center: Brook Mizner

Grand Strand Medical Center: Laura Lunsford

Greenville Health System: Michael Walls 

HCA South Atlantic Division:  Allison Burns

Lexington Medical Center: John Knauff

McLeod Health: Diane Howell

Medical University of South Carolina Adults: Regina Creech 

Medical University of South Carolina Pediatrics: Aynsley Birkner

Palmetto Health Richland: Lara Peck

Piedmont Medical Center: Chelsea Sutton

Regional Medical Center: Era Zeigler

Spartanburg Medical Center: T.J. Mack  

Self Regional Healthcare: Sharon Turner

Trident Medical Center: Michelle Houck:


In the News

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Townville shooting inspires bleed control kits
When Amy Hamrick’s 5- and 8-year-old children asked her why they were dressed as superheroes for school last Memorial Day, she paused, then decided to tell them why…

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image=”1029″ img_size=”full” title=”Stop the Bleed training offered”
Leadership Greer Class 38 is putting a focus on emergency preparedness in the City of Greer…

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SRHS receives grant to supply SC schools ‘Stop the Bleed Kits
Spartanburg Regional Health System said its Trauma Team received grant funding to equip every school in South Carolina with “Stop the Bleed Kits.”

Upstate nurses push ‘Jacob Kits’ and school safety measures at SC Statehouse
Among those hundreds of bills dead for the year that will not become law are several school safety measures…

C School Nurses Learn How to ‘Stop-the-Bleed’ in Columbia
Bleeding is the number one cause of death in trauma patients, the number one cause of preventable death,” says Rich Wisniewski with DHEC…
Trauma expert, TJ Mack, demonstrates how to #StopTheBleed
TJ Mack shares an inside look at tomorrow’s Stop The Bleed training at WestGate Mall. Come see us at the mall on Saturday anytime from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m…


Upstate hospital sparks initiative in every SC school
A team effort led to grant funding that will provide 19,000 life-saving kits to every school in South Carolina. The idea for the initiative started in Spartanburg…
Amy Hamrick explains how kits are used to stop bleeding, Wednesday.
Amy Hamrick explains how kits are used to stop bleeding, Wednesday.



Who helped make this happen?

Hospital Preparedness Program

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response and the Centers for Disease Control

Regional Healthcare Coalitions

South Carolina Emergency Management Division

DHEC Department of EMS and Trauma

Bureau of Public Health Preparedness

Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]Medical University of South Carolina

Palmetto Health

Grand Strand Health

South Carolina Department of Education[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
